This simple and efficient online tool allows you to compare JSON files. It helps you quickly detect semantic differences between two JSON files.

This tool performs a semantic comparison by evaluating every attribute-value pair within objects. It compares each element based on its position in arrays. Additionally, it sorts and formats the JSON strings to identify semantic differences rather than just textual ones.

How to compare JSON files?

Fill the editors with JSON files: Either upload your files by clicking on "Browse" or copy-paste your JSON directly into the editors.

Start the analysis: Click the "Compare" button to display the differences, whether they are missing keys, different values, or divergent JSON structures.

Explore the results: You can browse through the JSON files with the differences highlighted. Use the "Next diff" / "Previous diff" buttons to navigate between the different discrepancies.

Quickly visualize differences: The editor at the top only displays the differences, allowing you to view them at a glance.

Why compare JSON files?

Comparing JSON objects can be useful and necessary in various scenarios, such as verifying API responses during tests, detecting differences in configuration files, and more.

Manual comparison can quickly become complex with large files. Additionally, comparing using GPT/AI may not be very practical depending on the volume of data.