Free and open source fake API for testing and prototyping

Custom API

Instantly generate a custom API from a JSON object

Rule Engine

Create rules to handle error cases and customize HTTP codes, headers, and bodies

Free & Open source

Use this tool for free; you can also retrieve the source code and set up a local installation

How to create a custom API ?

JSONing API is an open-source mock API available for download on Github, allowing you to have a local API.

You also have the option to create a custom API online by using the editors below to define the resources and any rules. It will be immediately accessible.
Notes: APIs are deleted once a day. If needed, you can recreate it on this page.
Please limit the number of your calls, otherwise please create a local API.





GET/productsReturns all products
GET/products/2Returns the product with ID 2
POST/productsCreate a new product
GET/products/2Returns the product with ID 2
PUT/products/2Update the product with ID 2
PATCH/products/2Update partially the product with ID 2
DELETE/products/2Delete the product with ID 2

Configuration of the resources

All resources should be placed in a single JSON object. Each attribute of this object is a resource containing an array of elements.

In this example, you have created 2 resources: "products" and "users" (2 elements for each resource):

  "products": [
      "id": "1", "name": "T-shirt", "price": 19.99
      "id": "2", "name": "Jeans", "price": 49.99
  "users": [
      "id": "1", "username": "johndoe", "email": ""
      "id": "2", "username": "janedoe", "email": ""

Configuration of the rules

Custom rules are defined using JSON. With these JSON-based rules, you can set conditions based on the request (such as HTTP method, headers, and payload) and specify the response (including HTTP status code and payload). This allows you to tailor the API's behavior to meet specific testing and development needs.

Rules are applied before the API execution (which reads, writes, or deletes data).

If multiple rules match the request, only one is executed (the first one found).

The HTTP status and payload defined by the rules take precedence over those set by the API.

Here is an example of a rule that returns an HTTP status 401 when accessing the resource /products/23:

"input": { "method": "GET", "path": "/products/23" },
"output": { "status": 401, "response": {"error": "demo error"} },
"stop" : true

The stop attribute indicates whether to halt after applying the rule or to continue with the API execution.


The input object is used to represent the different criteria that can be tested in the request.

headersThe headers (Object: each header is an attribute)
methodThe HTTP method (‘GET’, ‘POST’, ‘PUT’, ‘PATCH’, ‘DELETE’)
pathThe pathname of the URL (e.g., /users/23).
payloadThe payload (object or string)


The output object is used to update the response if the rule match.

statusSets the HTTP status (e.g., 200, 404, etc.)
responseSets the response payload
headersSets the headers (Object: each header is an attribute)

Free public API

A public API is available for testing. Note: This API is read-only (You cannot modify the data)


/products10 products
/carts5 carts
/users5 users
/coupons5 coupons
/statusSimulate HTTP response status codes
/status/401 returns an HTTP status code 401